Adam Jilling

Software Developer ·

Masters in Computer Science from URI. Thesis topic: Optimizing Recommendations for Clustering Algorithms Using Meta-Learning. Before that, worked at Brown University for three years as an Application Developer. Most of my work experience is with Java/Python/SQL. Side projects involve machine learning and algorithmic trading. Undergrad in Finance at Virginia Tech and still take football games way too seriously.


Optimizing Recommendations for Clustering Algorithms Using Meta-Learning

2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

The field of machine learning has seen explosive growth over the past decade, largely due to increases in technology and improvements of implementations. As powerful as machine learning solutions can be, they are still reliant on human input to select the optimal algorithms and parameters. Clustering algorithms, in particular, are typically chosen by trial and error, as researchers will select a number of algorithms and choose whichever provides the most desirable result. This study will use a process called meta-learning to evaluate and analyze datasets and extract a series of meta-features. These meta-features can then be used to intelligently recommend an optimal clustering algorithm without the cost of having to manually run the algorithm. To accomplish this, we will experiment using 135 datasets and determine their expected outcomes using only their meta-features. The outcomes being optimized are performance (accuracy) and runtime. Results are then ranked separately for performance and runtime and we can determine how accurately the learning model was able to choose the optimal algorithm for each objective. With respect to runtime, we are able to predict the top-performing algorithm 71.1% of the time, one of the top two algorithms 89.6% of the time, and an algorithm in the top three 93.3% of the time. Performance is correctly predicted in the top two 50.4% of the time and in the top three at a rate of 63.7%.

PDF · IEEE Xplore · Semantic Scholar

Fort Box

A maze puzzle game written in JavaScript with Replay engine. Inspired by "Boxed In" app by Dennis Mengelt. Designing challenging levels is a lot tougher than I anticipated. Had originally built this natively with Java. Porting it to a web app was fun. I know it's broken right now - it's in the backlog.


Has three difficulty settings, adjusted by how many numbers are pre-filled. Toughest part was writing the logic to initialize new grids.